We can no longer sit idly by and take a passive role in trying to secure a safe and prosperous future for our children's children. Too many little things are beginning to add up that combined put us at risk over the next century or two of likely reverting back to the feudalism of the dark ages. Our population growth will only continue and lack of worldwide resource management at the expense of making a small percentage of the population richer is endangering the welfare and long-term quality of life for generations to come.

Global decisions need to start being made in the best interest of all, not the best interest of some. If we are ever going to hope to provide a really long-term quality of life, not just for humans but for as many species on this planet as possible, then we need to start implementing changes soon before we approach or surpass a point of no return. Think of all we have accomplished so far and then being so shortsighted and foolish to let it all fade away. If we want to see the next three centuries or next ten centuries then we need to start really acting like we want to see the next billion centuries.

Anything that puts the long term wellbeing of our global ecosystems, our only current habitable environment, in jeopardy must become part of well thought out plans designed to negate or remove the threats.

I challenge every billionaire that cares to donate a billion dollars to a proposed non-profit organization "Project Survival" and with that seed money and the right dedicated teams working together, this lofty but almost required set of plans could begin being undertaken as quickly as the logistics allow. And not saying these ideas are the best ones or the only ones but we need to start tackling these important questions on a global scale. Implementations and deployment would only come after much discussion and planning by people far more knowledgeable on the intricacies of those logistics than I am.

Many will begin reading this and think its all science fiction and I would agree that right now its all fiction but so much of science fiction was only fiction until it wasn't. It is our choice if we want it to remain in the realms of science fiction or begin to really start trying to save our species and our planet.

As I see it the foremost priorities would include:


We need decades notice of anything even remotely intersecting our solar system's path. Establishing the largest possible array of foreign object detectors could be the single most important task we can undertake to help see that our species gets to try to be around a million or even billion years from now. But the details of what that amount of logic would entail is pretty wild to comprehend. Vast fleets of AI drones all over our solar system all talking to each other and always on the lookout. Each drone functioning as a multi-purpose utility that can work both autonomously and as part of a pack. Drones whose primary objective is to monitor the skies in all directions for anything incoming. Able to perform hi-def imagery at many different wavelengths to look for the smallest hints of possible motion. Something non-luminous heading right towards us fast could easily go undetected unless we have many eyes in the skies.

The second objective is to be able to attach to anything in motion by being able to match its speed and trajectory, latch on for as long as needed, use thrusters of specific force and duration to move the incoming object into safe orbit, and then detach. As needed join a team of other drones to provide redundant failover and with sufficient advance notice, 20 or 30 drones could be sufficient if attached even for a day or two to most incoming bodies. Small course corrections done from far away can have much more success than trying any large scale maneuvers from much closer. Very large or very fast incoming objects take more effort and needs to be known about even sooner!

The third objective would be mining. Mining celestial objects and decontaminating the resources as needed should be as much of an automated function as possible. Each drone would have mining tools and arms able to perform AI based extraction of identified items worth mining because almost all asteroids and moons could have some valuable resources to mine. Being able to attach, crawl around as needed, scan and locate where the resources are , extract them, package them in bulk and launch inwards towards the inner planets.

The fourth objective would be playing catch. Drones seeing incoming mining packages would determine which processing center to direct them to and as needed apply course corrections to the right facility. Our moon and mars would be good bases of operations for production. In order to enjoy the fruits of our labors we need to keep pollution here on our planet to a minimum and moving as much production off planet as needed allows us to keep more space here for living and breathing.

The fifth objective would be deep chemical analytics. Everything it attaches to besides mining what it can reach and when needed using thrusters to adjust the objects trajectory it would also be doing chemical analysis. Carbon dating, element logging, and evidence of life checking. Each new body gets tagged, named, logged, and shared and over time that knowledge makes its way back to our planet as fast as the drones can each intercept and pass along communications across a vast dynamic multi-world wide web of communications.

The sixth objective was just touched on and that would be part of the data raid array of multi-syncing data sources and communications extenders always updating and sharing so data from the farthest reaches can make its way back to the inner planets as quickly and as reliably as possible.

The seventh objective would be energy capture and storage. Each drone would have its photoelectric panels but not just absorbing incoming visible light but all the different frequencies of cosmic radiation and convert them to some type of stored potential energy in mechanical form so it can traverse large distances without any energy loss. Imagine if you will a long tube with a heavy spring. Energy collection drones near significant energy sources where lots of high energy photons can be processed (like near the sun) can pull the spring. Or likely many springs. Once locked in place they can transfer energy over great distances without any loss of potential energy.

Here the fourth objective again comes into play as catcher drones seeing incoming spring tubes could direct them to the local power center. Drones are always converting cosmic radiation into their own energy but to use thrusters and exist far from the sun there would be centralized powering stations where batteries can be exchanged. Drones would know how to refuel by heading back to the local power center , maybe a week's journey , interchanging 10 or 20 battery arrays with fully charged ones and then heading back out for another month or two unless needed for a thruster missions in which case they become pitchers and shoot battery packs to the areas in the path of the incoming object so as drones plan an attach sequence they can be collecting the additional battery packs and thruster packs that were sent along ahead of time by all the other areas close by.

This only works when we have a vast array of smart drones like the fleet I describe spread far across our entire solar system out to the edges in all directions. That is what we need to strive for, a global effort is needed to make that happen. There are few extinction level events possible. Biological, Chemical, Geological, Atmospherical, Solar, and Astronomical come to mind. Any of them that we have the ability to place under our control and try to prevent should be a top priority for every country able to help chip in resources and time to make this a reality. An incoming body with extinction level capabilities is something we can try to avoid and is likely the most plausible of all the possible causes. Assuming we wake up and stop shitting where we sleep.

The scary thing, and mind you the intent is not to try to scare anyone, but there are objects flying around in all different directions at all different speeds and most of them do not give off their own light , so they are hard to see. One such body that can be hurling through space potentially at very high speeds and able to wreak extensive damage if there was a collision, something that could very easily sneak up on us, would be a rogue black hole. We can't attach thrusters to a black hole so coming up with ways to divert its path could prove to be a very interesting endeavor. I can imagine the robotics teams in high schools across the inner planets in the year 2122 working on that type of problem because STEM is how we get there and what I describe in these pages could take decades to accomplish.

There could be an easy twenty to forty years of R&D as we churn out generation after generation of smarter and better drones that like everything else that as ever existed, can evolve over time. The first models need to watch for incoming bodies and start spreading through our local solar system looking out into all directions on both visible and invisible wavelengths for any form of distortions that might indication motion. From there we can add on the mining and the rest, but we need to start planning now and that means all the countries of the world need to start trying to really begin working together to protect the only home we have.


Usher in a new way of dealing with energy. Done correctly we do not need to burn any fossil fuels at all. The proper handling of electricity to replace most other uses of fossil fuels only works when we stop the idea of charging stations and instead just continue doing what we have already been doing all along. That means continuing with a standard set of universal batteries. There should be E, F, G, H etc and would come in multi-size portable arrays. Maybe there would be some Z size for things like industrial cranes or rockets or jets or subs? There might be ten or fifteen different sizes but at specific sizes they would come in strands of 8 or bricks of 16. Sizes that are still portable and manageable with components that are interchangeable. Not only for vehicles but all our devices at home would be run by batteries in standard sizes and we can stop relying on power lines to bring power across the globe. When you pull up to a "gas" station which would be renamed at some point when gas is no longer sold there and replace five or six of your vehicle's eight or ten battery bricks or packs. Charged for what you swap out and off you go so there is no need to wait for something to charge and its universal for all vehicles. But this is just the beginning of what needs to happen if we really want to provide for a future of continued population growth that we can anticipate over the next 500 years and then thousands of years. Right now batteries are made by companies that make money selling batteries. If batteries were not disposable the battery companies would not make as much money. So they try to create the best portable energy holders but really what we need are the longest lasting and more importantly recyclable batteries and maybe that means something like lithium or maybe some thing we create in a lab or maybe it means the spring tubes I mentioned for space drones.

A battery just needs to be portable energy storage. Not sure the logistics of making springs that could be loose at one temperature and then tighter or denser at a different temperature. If we can do that then we have the sliced bread but even if we had to have an equal one to one energy exchange to pull the spring out and then afterwards make use of the stored energy if they were built to be reusable and last a long time then that is what matters. Now I must admit the idea of using some type of spring based battery is intriguing and maybe could be long lasting but if the battery can't pack enough punch at the scale factors we are looking at then it may only work for certain applications. But a car designed to say hold twenty spring tubes underneath where the gas tank would normally be and could pull into a transfer station and transfer out 15 of the spring tubes and keep the 5 that were not touched and off it goes then maybe its a feasible idea. The other side of the equation in not how to store the energy once we have it but much much more importantly to the equation is how do we get it in the first place in order to pull the springs or charge the battery arrays? I mentioned the drones that would be energy collectors near the sun using not only visible light but all high energy photons. I predict that if we could place vast solar panels able to convert both sunlight and any other cosmic rays into energy that can be focused and directed. From much closer to the sun where its not impacted by our atmosphere vast collection arrays have the potential to capture and convert a vast amount of energy but we need to try to locate if any medium besides silicon has a longer shelf life in the field over prolonged use. The amount of energy closer to the sun if we can learn to properly harness it and make it portable is key to someday replacing all reliance on fossil fuels across the globe.

Another idea I really like was one of Tesla's. That would be the transfer of electricity without wires. The collectors near the sun would be charging large packs or tubes and sending them outwards. Some would go out in all different directions inside our solar system to all the central charging stations supporting the millions of possible drones we might someday have out there. More of that energy would be sent to the collection stations orbiting our planet that collect up all the energy fed its way. Some would also be sent to the collectors at each outpost including all the production facilities on Mars and the moon.

Then at scheduled intervals there should be a way in theory to shoot down a beam of energy to special collection points so the energy captured from the sun can get to the surface of our planet to charge up all the batteries waiting to be recharged as efficiently as possible. If we can make that work we may figure out a way for the collectors near the sun to shoot beams of stored energy to collectors near the planet that in turn shoot it down to the planet or where its needed. The logistics are monstrous but with the proper planning and resources and goal of survival not profit at the heart of each endeavor we can make it work. There is so much more energy coming out of the sun than the little bit we get to enjoy here on the surface but we can harness it so much more efficiently with nearly zero waste and nearly zero emissions and that is how you create a sustainable environment for 367,000,000,000 people.

Lastly those portable interchangeable batteries that might be based on lithium, or springs, or some other even cleaner technology would have ample ways to recharge inside the home so there could be ten bricks of 100 packs running the house or five bricks of 50 packs running a smaller structure. You swap out packs when they exhaust faster than you can recharge them but there would be multiple ways they can recharge. Besides the roofs covered in solar panels with small weathervane type windmills along the apex, the gutters as well as the drainpipes would make use of little generators every half a foot. But not just nature needs to power our lives. Every single piece of home exercise equipment would be set up to also charge your home grid. All different types of exercise equipment can be built to instead generate energy to also help in the recharging process. The final key is that batteries need to be made to last a very long time not just a long time between charges. But if they do eventually meet their end then like all other waste, they need to become ingredients for a new product. 100% recycle or repurpose must include every facet of our existence in order to sustain a planet with a trillion people on it.


Becoming garbage processor for the world with 100% recycling/repurposing capabilities to put an end to all deforestation and pollution of our oceans, our lands, and our space. The worldwide coordination of centralized collection points that are able to process all garbage with AI drones designed to separate garbage into all different possible categorizations with sophistication enough to remove edible waste for small animal and insect feed and the rest into the stuff that becomes our bricks, blocks, and boards, bolts, batteries, and baseballs, beams, booms, and bridges, backings, blockings, and battens , balustrades, balusters, and bannisters. Investing in the technology of recycling and repurposing efficiently and safely for the environment is of the utmost importance to securing the long-term success of sustaining a habitable environment able to support our future population growth.


Use the same service that wants to take away your garbage daily and also drop off at your door step your daily orders where in depth logistics and forecasting provides that you never run out of the things you use while optimizing every facet of the supply chain to be consumer conscious not corporate conscious. The way we buy is not efficient. We often let things spoil by getting more than we need or using them out of order. The cost of using that product includes all the details of it getting made and shipped to the store where you picked it out and paid for it and took it home. When instead the ability to bulk congregate orders based on shared usage across localized distribution centers allows for much more effectively managing ahead of time where products need to end up based on forecasting and logistics. We could have packages arrive on your door step every morning with that day's items. Some for the day, some for the week, and sometime enough for a month or more depending on how long they last and how often you use them. When that information is congregated with people nearby then all sorts of efficiencies open up when the items do not need to be unpacked from a truck and stocked on a shelf to be picked up by you and sometimes rung up by a clerk. That plus the inefficiencies of keeping stock fresh when temperatures are constantly exposed all day long to indecisive shoppers. Shopping changed to home delivery and then into the box you take everything from goes all your comingled trash for the day. All food scraps and garbage. Any type of poisons or chemicals have a special container they must be put in otherwise everything else is comingled in the box and that afternoon the second delivery and pickup occurs if set for twice a day. The boxes would not be cardboard mind you but likely made from recycled water bottles and six pack holders that otherwise choke turtles.

But there is more to optimizing logistics than just preplanning where items will be needed in one month's and one week's time. To cut down on the costs of delivery an important tool is to avoid how often the object needs to be replaced. Right now planned obsolescence and unplanned obsolescence cause items to become waste and need to be replaced much sooner than they would if they were built with the goal of longevity. As products are produced from the recycled materials the intent should be first to make things with very long life spans and then those we can need to be made from whatever means causes the least effort to recycle and repurpose.


Hire everyone who wants a job by setting up a super city in every country that wants one. From daily laborers all the way up to planners and engineers the efforts involved could provide jobs for a very long time with some part of the payment being their eventual living quarters in any of the super cities they decide to reside in. Cities that would optimize space resources and natural resources and extend conservations of every possible resource through unique planning to design the cities of the future by first having contests to see if anyone can beat my super city plans. Unique designs to cover things like transportation of both people and resources efficiently as well as interoperability and standardization should be able to turn building huge structures able to survive earthquakes into nothing more than playing with Legos. Superstructures can be built with all different internal size rooms that make use of standardized connections for the movement of energy, water, air, food, waste, people, and everything else. As we begin to all use more stuff and accumulate more garbage we will actually be building our cities of the future with the garbage of today because the bricks and bolts and blocks we use will all have come from recycled waste and we have plenty already here on the planet to clean up to start with. Each large city would have hopefully a 100% recycling repurposing center in the basements and vast farms and zoos surrounding them where we can finally one day become the caretakers of the entire planet. Global resource management means full control over the food chain from the bottom to the top. A venture that we must undertake if we wish to survive. We can literally manage a global food chain from waste to the smallest of insects and worms and animals and collecting the dead and moving them up the food chain by turning all zoos and breeding establishments into a much more humane and vast open safe areas for all different animals. Just as cats and dogs can be domesticated and so many other animals as well , nearly all advanced animals when provided with nutrition and safety can be domesticated. We could actually have zoos where all the zoos are petting zoos and you could safely walk amongst lions no different than alligators after centuries of retaining that would be very easy once ample food and water is provided and removal of threats from their direct habitat can be solved. But don't get too attached mind you because I am sure few on this planet have probably eaten more than a dozen different meats and there is a wide variety of subtle nuances to so many different types of meat that you've never thought you might someday be able to order like a burger or a coldcut or who knows maybe even a shake.


Start the world arbitration council by investing in the future of our planet and species by recruiting the top 1 percent of every graduating class for a two-year term on the council. All decisions that impact the future of our planet should be recommended by the smartest one percent and voted on on-line through secure, untainted, and due process. Leaving the decisions that affect the fate of all our children in the hands of politicians, royalty, and generals instead of the intellectuals is a risk that we can no longer sit by idly and allow to continue. A long-term abdication process can be safely established so that The United Nations evolves into a body that is not optional to join. Countries cannot have the choice to live by decisions that are in not the best interest of all other countries. If every country instead chose to live by the choices of every other country, we could adopt a world free from war and starvation. The greater the ways that production of resources and distribution of resources can be adequately handled in bulk logistics, the larger the cost savings that can be passed down to the consumer. Removing competition between countries can only help improve the living conditions of all the countries' constituents.


Reinvest all further profits not only into R&D but to also try to guarantee a core minimum guaranteed quality of life for as many species on our planet (or that we encounter) that we are able to provide for. This includes the most basic necessities like water, food, medicine, safe haven, warmth, clothes, education, and even the internet or entertainment. We can create a brave new world or create a new world order or if we let greed usurp survival we will slowly and painfully watch it all disappear.


I see this as the lowest priority because we hopefully have the most amount of time to work on it. It would be project called Orbit Hopper. For a species to survive, the methods described to move asteroids need to also be increased to something that can move planets sometimes. We have a little over four billion years before our planet faces two successive foes. There will be a period of over three billion years, well technically an infinitely long period, where our planet's current location in relative spacetime puts its existence in jeopardy. Even if someday it was void of atmosphere or molten core it could still be home to many as it becomes a massive starship someday and able to move out of the path of the sun's growth when she begins her process of reaching her red giant's largest phase. If we could steer into new orbit well ahead of time our planet could survive its first adversary. The second type of orbit hopping involves trying to move out of the sun's grasp and attach orbit to another star. Right now the logistics of determining what will happen when the Milky Way and Andromeda become Milkdromeda are unknown as it relates to the fate of our sun or planet but we will get ample time to plan well ahead what star or stars that come to us could handle the problem of interstellar travel for us. After our red giant begins to dwarf we are being given a chance to still keep our species going by moving out of the home our planet grew up in to explore new adventures inside whatever our solar system ends up near by. And not just our planet at this point. By the time Milkdromeda begins to form not only planet Earth would need to develop orbit hopping processes but all the celestial bodies inside our solar system and all the other tens of thousands of other planets and bodies in nearby planetary systems that we would be sharing would all need to make attempts to either evacuate or hop orbits as the galaxies merge. In four billion years we should be well dispersed amongst our home galaxy and ready for the challenges that would await when it merges. There is one unique challenge that would be needed because post merger this may be our new home for a very long time and intergalactic travel will be nearly impossible at that point as the rest of the universe continues to expand. So there would be a period of time in the future where large parts of humanity living all over Milkdromeda would see no stars in parts of their night skies. At that point our focus would turn to helping hold that structure together. We could not let the natural expansion of spacetime to slowly pull it apart and by whatever means needed we might need to learn not only how to planet and system hop but galaxy hop. That is the stage of civilization we would need to someday reach where we could steer a galaxy into an orbit instead of letting it collide. That is what project survival means to me.

So how do I intend to try to raise my one billion dollars to donate you ask?

Suppose there actually was a real theory of everything that brought together all the sciences and could explain most every mystery of the current scientific paradigms all under one umbrella. If there was ever going to be an actual TOE, theory of everything, what would it really need to include?

By its definition it would need to explain what single force is the driving force behind all other forces as well as I think the single building block of everything that is, was, or will ever be.

It would need to explain wave particle duality, the collapsing wave function, superposition, quantum tunneling, and if possible, maybe even entanglement but I will admit, at face value that last one could be tricky.

It would need to explain the catalyst that caused the chain of cosmic events we have labeled our Big Bang, it would need to explain what came before it, and what will eventually become of our universe. It would have to provide a clear picture of the true nature of not only time and space but also mass and energy.

I also think it would need to explain both dark matter and dark energy and thus fill in the gaps in our true understanding of gravity and why the rate that our visible universe is expanding appears to be increasing. It should be able to provide a likely reason why gravity can warp both space and time and how gravity works at both the micro and macro scales.

It should be able to explain how life first forms on dead wet rocks and how the potential course of human evolution should be expected to proceed. In doing so if it can better explain how and why humans evolved into the dominant species on our planet then all the better.

Well I believe I have come across such a theory. Before you write me off as another Dunning-Krueger crackpot let me mention that I am a bipolar polymath with a genius level IQ and have studied cutting edge scientific theory across multiple disciplines for over forty years. Being able to control the manic side of being bipolar is a huge benefit to a high IQ polymath and long binges of deep mental processing have provided me a picture that I am certain I can relay to you both clearly and logically.

Anyone interested in trying to catch up on those 40 years of study by reviewing the youtube cliffnotes (couple hundred hours of videos) I would suggest this playlist of over 500 videos titled "The Infinite Universe"

If the ideas tossed around in my blog and podcasts make sense and the ideas above sound like something you want to be a part of. If you want to help change the world and are able to make a small investment you can own a piece of history. I have set up a very special pre-order offer available to any savy investors to aid in funding the publishing of my completed works. Numbered and Signed First Edition Hard Cover " On The Natural State Of Nature".