Welcome To The Natural State Of Nature

Welcome to The Natural State Of Nature. My hub for all things brand related to my two essays, "On The Natural State Of Nature" and "On The Human State Of Humanity" as well as the screen play for "Heaven and Hell, possibilities and probabilities."

The first is a comprehensive theory of everything that provides a simple explanation for dark energy that is derived from general relativity and special relativity. An explanation that unlocks a far more likely catalyst to the events we call our "big bang" than a hot dense center.

An explanation that solves all the following cosmological questions : The nature of dark energy, the likely nature of dark matter, the nature of space and time themselves, where all the mass came from, the horizon problem explained without needing inflation, the baryon asymmetry problem, the "axis of evil" anomalies, supervoids, superfilaments, the CMB, galaxy formation, small scale structure questions, density of satellite galaxies, the approximate 50/50 split of clockwise and counterclockwise galactic rotations across all three dimensions, supermassive black holes, mature early galaxies, large quasar groups, cosmic filament spin, ultra-diffuse galaxies, globular clusters, disparate quasars sharing the same original relative angle of inclination, disparate galaxies sharing the same original relative angle of inclination, disparate galaxies sharing the same relative rate of rotation, the shape of the universe, the age of the universe, the fine-tuning problem, the cusp-core problem, the flatness problem, the multiverse question, possibly the lithium problem, the crisis in cosmology with the Hubble tension, the vacuum catastrophe, blue transients and high energy cosmic waves, and red transients and their potential to unlock far more answers than any other cosmic phenomena?

It then leverages further insights that come from embracing the eternal time and infinite space that make up not a logical multiverse but a true literal infinite multitude of sequences of separate quantum states that could repeadedly replicate the same finite sequence as our relative time and relative space exactly up the moment you are reading this. Followed by a finite number of immediate states branching into limitless possibilities.

The same comprehensive framework further explains how we know there is mass and energy far below what we call elementary quanta or standard particles. We know because if it were true it would predict vacuum energy, virtual particles, a probabilistic wave function , superposition and tunneling, and even that spacetime itself would be able to bend and warp due to the presence of mass.

The second work is a work in progress that delves into the implications of what it means to humanity when we embrace the true natural state of nature.